The Dude Explains Polar Protic Solvents


Me: Hey twin brother, you are an expert on all things water.  Can you tell us about polar protic solvents?

The Dude: Sure.  Polar protic solvents like water and alcohols can hydrogen bond really well.  Those hydrogen bonds are among the most excellent hydrogen bonds around man.  That means polar protic molecules stick together like my feet stick to a surfboard.  Because they are sticky from hydrogen bonding, polar protic solvents such as water and alcohols have high boiling points.  It also means they dissolve other molecules that can hydrogen bond or has full charges.  Polar protic solvents won’t dissolve very well anything that cannot hydrogen bond or does not have full or partial charges.

Me: Oh I get it, polar protic solvents dissolve other polar things!

The Dude:  You got it man.  As I always say, when it comes to solvents, Like dissolves Like.  Got it:  Like dissolves Like.  Polar protic solvents dissolve polar things man.  Peace out from here!


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