The 610A Blues


It all started out

With atomic configuration


Orbital hybridization.


Next came alkanes

Eclipsed, gauche, and anti

Cyclohexanes as chairs

Newman projections were dandy


You all loved stereochem

Tetrahedrons and mirror planes

Enantiomers are “fun”

Just like severe back pains.


We moved on to acids

Not the kind our parents took

But the kind that lower pH

Now we're starting to cook.


REFRAIN Mechanism, mechanism

They're not a bad as they seem

Just keep track of the protons

No need to call.......Jim Beam


We then turned to alkenes

And boy they were great

React with electrophiles

Or just protonate


Alkenes were a blast

Making bonds by the score

Markovnikov and anti

Syn addition and more.


A ton of reactions,

Till I heard lots of groans

It went on forever

Just like the Rolling Stones


Too many new mechanisms

Pretty hard to take

That's why most of you studied

Alcohols for Thanksgiving break







REFRAINReactions, reactions

You should spout them like a


Just put them on a roadmap

No need to call.......Budweiser


Substitution and elimination

A big decision tree.

Aren’t you glad that no one

Invented SN3!


Alkynes make sense

Not like your last date

They react just like alkenes

Now isn’t that great?


But you made it through

Your knowledge did grow

Can you say tautomerization

That’s a Greek word you know


Remember the key

When you need direction

Is figuring out

Where is that electron


REFRAIN Synthesis, synthesis

Shouldn't really be a shocker

Just practice working backwards

No need to call...Johnny Walker


Now that its over

Our song here is done

We hope your have found

That chemistry can be fun


It may not help you

To get a better date

But chemistry surrounds us

That we must appreciate


For the rest of you life

We hope that you can say

Chemistry is cool

The organic way!