Midterm Exams
Three mid-term exams will be given during the course of the semester. They will be held on
Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 9:00 PM on the following days:

Thursday, February 15, 6:00 - 9:00 PM, Rooms: WCH 1.120, WEL 2.224, WEL 3.502
Those of you with last names starting with the letters A-G report to WCH 1.120, those with last names starting with H-R report to WEL 2.224, those with last names starting with S-Z report to WEL 3.502. 

Alternate Time (for excused changes only*): 3:00 - 6:00 PM, Room: POB 2.302 (POB is the Peter O'Donnell Building across Speedway from Welch Hall)

Students with Accommodations Room: Open from 4:00-10:00 PM, UTC 4.122


Thursday, March 7, 6:00 - 9:00 PM, Rooms: WCH 1.120, WEL 2.224, WEL 3.502 Those of you with last names starting with the letters A-G report to WCH 1.120, those with last names starting with H-R report to WEL 2.224, those with last names starting with S-Z report to WEL 3.502. 

Alternate Time (for excused changes only*): 3:00 - 6:00 PM, Room: POB 2.302 (POB is the Peter O'Donnell Building across Speedway from Welch Hall)

Students with Accommodations Room: Open from 4:00-10:00 PM, UTC 4.122


Thursday, April 11, 6:00 - 9:00 PM, Rooms: WCH 1.120, WEL 2.224, WEL 3.502 Those of you with last names starting with the letters A-G report to WCH 1.120, those with last names starting with H-R report to WEL 2.224, those with last names starting with S-Z report to WEL 3.502. 

Alternate Time (for excused changes only*): 3:00 - 6:00 PM, Room: POB 2.302 (POB is the Peter O'Donnell Building across Speedway from Welch Hall)

Students with Accommodations Room: Open from 4:00-10:00 PM, UTC 4.122

*An excused change is one caused by a regularly scheduled (in the course schedule) class or lab class. NOT an organization meeting, music practice or a job. If you have any unexcused conflicts, it is up to you to arrange to be present at the midterm exams from 6-9 PM on the designated day.

Note if you are taking your exam in UTC 4.122, you do NOT need to check with us ahead of time, just report to the room when you are ready to take the exam and there will be one waiting for you.


Final Exam
The final exam will be comprehensive in nature. It will emphasize the latest material discussed in the class, but it will also cover material from the entire semester.

Friday May 3, 3:30 - 6:30 PM Rooms: HMA (Hogg Memorial Auditorium) and UTC 2.112A Those of you with last names starting with the letters A-L report to HMA, those with last names starting with M-Z report to UTC 2.112A.

Makeup Exam*: Friday May 3, 7 - 10 PM Room: UTC 2.108

*For excused changes only

Students with Accommodations Room, May 3: Open from 3:30-10:00 PM, UTC 4.110

Policy on Exam Coverage: You will be responsible for all material covered up to the
Tuesday lecture the week of each midterm unless I say otherwise in class. Also, the pace of the
class can vary, so do not be concerned if we are not on the same schedule as described in this
syllabus under "proposed exam topics". The bottom line is that you are only responsible for
the material covered in the Tuesday lecture the week of each midterm, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCHEDULE ON THE NEXT PAGE OF SYLLABUS SAYS ABOUT "UNITS" COVERED

Students with Disabilities: For students with accommodations registered with the Disability
and Access office,
on the day of the exam you can take the exam in the Chemistry department testing center anytime between 9 AM and 5 PM if that timing works for you. Click here to schedule
those exams.
If that timeframe does not work for you, then you must take your midterm exams in UTC 3.122, which will be available from 4 - 10 PM on the nights of the midterm exams. UTC
3.122 will be distraction free with a proctor present. Please come see me after class if you have any questions.


Student Honor Code
I pledge, as a member of The University of Texas at Austin community, to do my work
honestly, respectfully, and through the intentional pursuit of learning and scholarship.

1. I pledge to be honest about what I create and to acknowledge what I use that belongs to others.

2. I pledge to value the process of learning in addition to the outcome, while celebrating and
learning from mistakes.

3. This code encompasses all the academic and scholarly endeavors of the University community.

Any violation of the above Honor Code that occurs during an exam or in the regrading process will result in a 0 being assigned for that exam and the student involved will be formally reported to the Dean of Students, where they will be subject to additional penalties or actions. The exam with the
0 will be automatically counted in the final grade calculation at the end of the semester.

Regrades: Exams can be turned in for regrades. Regrades must be submitted within 7 days after the
exam is handed back. They can be handed the to myself or one of the TA's. You must indicate what problems need to be regraded, and provide a briefexplanation for your concern. The entire exam willbe regraded.

Exam rules: The midterms and final are inperson only. You will not be allowed to have any
reference materials or any other aids during the exams. Because of recent incidents, you will not be
allowed to interact with your cell phone in any way during exams. No exceptions. Turn them off, or leave them at home. Interacting with a cell phone during an exam will be considered a violation of
the Honor Code and will result in a 0 being recorded for your grade on the exam, no matter what you were actually doing with the phone.