Office Hours
Having Your Questions Answered is a Huge Part of Learning Organic Chemistry
I am sort of stating the obvious there I know. Unfortunately, in the past, attendance at my office hours usually only reached about 20% of the class (or less) most of the time. We now offer a variety of formats. We assume all of you will watch the on-line simulcast office hours on Mondays from 3:30 - 5 PM, but we also assume you will attend at least one of the other formats at least once per week. All of these are recorded and are available by clicking here.
Wednesday 3:30-5 PM Studio is BUR 124 Iverson Live Virtual Simulcast Office Hours (recorded) - I will provide prepared explanations of the most difficult material, answer questions you submit from your computers, and I will work through difficult examples with you. You can also attend in person in the very cool broadcast studio! No Hawaiian shirts required if you attend in person, although they are recommended. We assume that all of you will be coming to this office hour or at least watching the recording. Click here to attend by live streaming. Click here to attend by live Zoom.
Tuesday 3:30-4:30 PM WEL 1.308 Active Problem Solving (recorded) - Historically, students say these are THE BEST WAY TO SUCCEED IN THE COURSE. New and challenging problems will be presented, and you will work in groups to solve them. These optional sessions will provide the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have about any of the course material as well.
Tuesday 5-6 PM WEL 1.316 Iverson In-person Office Hours (recorded) - I will be answering questions in a standard format office hour each week. Attend this if you have specific questions about the material being currently discussed in lecture.
Thursday 5-7 PM BUR 216 "Missed the Wave" Office Hours (recorded)- Falling behind a little, no worries. We got you. It happens to everyone, especially in OChem II. This office hour is specifically for people who feel they need help catching up or want to discuss older material. TA Qifan or one of the other TAs will lead this. If you ever feel you are missing the wave during the semester, THIS IS THE OFFICE HOUR FOR YOU!
Friday 10-11 AM WEL 2.122 Active Problem Solving (recorded) -- Historically, students say these are THE BEST WAY TO SUCCEED IN THE COURSE. This will be a repeat of the Tuesday session, no need to attend both!
Review Sessions I will be leading all of these.
Special Review of 320M/328M Material (recorded) - Wednesday, January 15th, 6-8 PM, WEL 1.308. We have found it helpful to hold a two-hour review at the beginning of the course to review first semester material, with an emphasis on exactly which first semester material is the most important as we begin second semester OChem.
The following review sessions are designed to help you as much as possible
prepare for the exams (recorded).
Tuesday, February 11 Room: WEL 2.224 (recorded) 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Tuesday, March 11 Room: WEL 2.224 (recorded) 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Tuesday, April 15 Room: WEL 2.224 (recorded) 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Monday, April 28 Room: WCH 1.120 (recorded) 5:00 - 7:00 PM