Click here for a POTD from today

Rules of the Day


Click here for a copy of my lecture notes from today's lecture

Click here for a copy of the first handout used in class today

Click here for a copy of the second handout used in class today

Featured Golden Rules of Chemistry: Nothing today

1. Carbocation intermediates can rearrange if migration of an H atom or less often a methyl group will create a more stable carbocation. This is relatively rare, but can occur in certain situations. This is not a new effect, it is simply hyperconjugation taken to the extreme.

2. Alkenes react with X2 to give vicinal dihalides via a three-membered ring halonium ion intermediate. Attack from the face of the halonium ion intermediate opposite to the halogen atom leads to anti stereochemistry of addition leading to trans products. Watch the stereochemistry here! Halonium ions do not rearrange.

3. Anti stereochemistry means that the atoms add to either side of a C=C double bond, syn means they add to the same side, and mixed means they add both syn and anti in the same reaction.

4. Of the intermediates we have seen or will see, only carbocations rearrange, all other intermediates such as the halonium ions do not.



If you have not already, you must Watch the Terpene video. You are responsible for this information for the next midterm! Last time we will mention it!

Read: Sections 6.5 and 6.6 in the eBook.

Take the Daily Quiz 12 before 10 PM tomorrow. Click here to access the quiz. These quizzes are designed to review the important material from today's lecture. Together, they will count as 5% of your final grade.

Continue working on the Homework Problem Set 5, due at 10 PM on Wednesday, October 12. Click here to access the Homework Problem Set 5. Note there are Aktiv Learning and Gradescope Questions, and you MUST DO BOTH.